Category: STEAM

  • How to Make: Origami Jumping Frog

    How to Make: Origami Jumping Frog

    In honor of the Partners for Amphibian and Reptile Conservation’s first annual Amphibian Week, I will be publishing two amphibian related activities. Each activity will require about 90 minutes altogether if you do all the parts, and each contains some observation, some playful learning opportunities, and concludes with a Maker project and a chance to…

  • How to Make: Shadow Puppet Machine for FOOLmoon Reimagined

    How to Make: Shadow Puppet Machine for FOOLmoon Reimagined

    Join the fun and create a shadow-puppet machine for FOOLmoon Reimagined 2020.

  • Math Arts with Kids

    Math Arts with Kids

    Teaching problem solving skills is an interesting exercise and watching young people address the design problems I formulate for them is inspiring. The last few weeks we have been doing math and art in the mobile program at FLY where I work. At the different schools the artists in the class come up with different…

  • Contrapposto Cantilevers

    Much like we like to take pictures and make sculptures of each other, the Egyptians tried to portray the human figure in sculpture and paint. See this example below, which is in the Metropolitan Museum of New York, AKA the Met. She is tall and slim, with great posture and huge eyes. QUESTION: What words would…

  • Creative Universe Summer Series

    Today was the first day of our Saturday morning series. Christine did Triangles with Art Play (a class designed for pre-school) from 9:00am to 10:00, and then I came in to do M. C. Escher, patterns and tesselations. We re-named Mad Science to Creative Universe since we look at the universality of Art to help…

  • Mad Science: Calder; Mobiles and Paper

    What do you think of kinetic art?  Does it sound complicated and hard?  It’s not, it is just a fancy way of saying “Art that moves.”   This last week at Mad Science Saturday we explored motion and balance looking at the kinetic art of Alexander Calder. To make this project, our young renaissance artists…