Adventurous Art

Tag: teaching

  • Emerging Wonder: A Shadow Ballet

    Emerging Wonder: A Shadow Ballet

    Lewis Carroll played with time and scale throughout Alice in Wonderland in order to reframe the quirks of British culture. It’s publication in 1865 coincided with the end of the American Civil War, and despite optimistic framing at the time, vestiges of both British and American culture still contribute to inequitable systems of power. 

  • Math Arts with Kids

    Math Arts with Kids

    Teaching problem solving skills is an interesting exercise and watching young people address the design problems I formulate for them is inspiring. The last few weeks we have been doing math and art in the mobile program at FLY where I work. At the different schools the artists in the class come up with different […]

  • Goings On About Town

    Though my drawing a day project has once again fizzled, I have in fact been making art nearly every day.  When I started the project, my intention was to do all kinds of work, showing progress, drawings, sketches, and finished work as it went on. But as the project went on, my parameters got more […]