Adventurous Art

Make it Out of the Ordinary: Pixel Magic

We are all living in a surreal moment, so this next creative prompt leans on the Surrealist practice of collaborative drawing to connect our FOOLmoon CommUNITY.  

Over the next few weeks will will be collecting our pixels and bites to create compelling stories about our CommUNITY and connect not just our drawings and sounds but each other.  

This week, you are going to help us take over the FestiFools Instagram Feed with our collective surrealist dreaming. Follow the directions below and email or tag your photos #makeitoutofordinary and #pixelmagicmoon on Instagram or Twitter.  Our FOOLish team will cast some pixelated spells and post your images on Instagram where they will connect and tile, just like collaborative drawings on paper by Dali, Miró, Tanguy, Man Ray, and others.  [Edit: Now with collaborative Whiteboard, see image below, or follow this link]

Join the #pixelmagicmoon Challenge!


  • Paper
  • Something to cut with, or patient fingers to fold and tear
  • Dark marking implement (black or blue is ideal!)
  • The camera on your phone or other device to share with us at
  • FOR AFTER you share your black and white image: Coloring implements


  1. Make a list of ten things that made you stop and think.
    • What made you feel connected to our CommUNITY? 
  2. Make your paper into a square.  It does not matter if you are starting with a GIANT page or a tiny page, once it’s a square we can do PIXEL Magic and shrink it to link up with everyone else’s tiles.
  3. Mark the midpoints on the sides of the square by matching corners and pinching JUST the edge of the paper.  (You can fold across, but then you will have the creases visible. If you are a very young person, it might be easier to pinch, anyway.)
  4. Mark with a pencil where those creases are.  These are how your machine will match up with other FOOLmoon CommUNITY members’ machines.
  5. Look back at your list, and choose TWO things that you think would be FOOLishly fun together and draw them into your square so that pieces of them touch those midpoints.
    • How do they relate? What can you imagine and invent?
    • You can use pencil and then outline with marker later.
    • You can use mechanical elements like gears or levers or buttons
    • The MOON is the limit: use your IMAGINE-ation!
  6. Take a picture before you color and share it on social media and/or email it to
    • In a couple of weeks, we will provide instructions to repurpose a cereal box to turn these black and white drawings into a color-it yourself tile puzzle, and are hoping for some other fun re-mix ideas!
  7. Color your machine if you want. Make another! There’s no limit!
  8. Check out our machines as we build on instagram, or check back for curated tiles on Facebook!
  9. As a community we will connect our stories and ideas. Join the BEAUTIFUL collaboration (beginning of image below)!