Adventurous Art

Tag: collaboration

  • Emerging Wonder: A Shadow Ballet

    Emerging Wonder: A Shadow Ballet

    Lewis Carroll played with time and scale throughout Alice in Wonderland in order to reframe the quirks of British culture. It’s publication in 1865 coincided with the end of the American Civil War, and despite optimistic framing at the time, vestiges of both British and American culture still contribute to inequitable systems of power. 

  • Social Distance Drawing

    Social Distance Drawing

    Doodling is a great way to get things off of your mind, and right now, there are a lot of things on everyone’s minds. In order to doodle with my friends and others, here is a site to doodle together. My plan is to be there around 6pm EDT for the next several days. In […]

  • Brecht, Aelita, and other Inspirations

    Brecht, Aelita, and other Inspirations

    One of my other recent projects was at the same school where we did Charlie Brown, but with the “Upper School” students (Grades 9-12). It was the play by Bertholt Brecht, The Caucasian Chalk Circle. It takes place in the Caucuses region in what is present day Georgia. It is not about “white” people, though if […]